Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Bullying Term Paper Essay

Bullying is the use of force or coercion to abuse or intimidate others. The behavior can be habitual and involve an imbalance of social or physical power. It can include verbal harassment or threat, physical assault or coercion and may be directed repeatedly towards particular victims, perhaps on grounds of race, religion, gender, sexuality, or ability. If bullying is done by a group, it is called mobbing. The victim of bullying is sometimes referred to as a â€Å"target†. Bullying may be defined as the activity of repeated, aggressive behavior intended to hurt another person, physically or mentally. Bullying is characterized by an individual behaving in a certain way to gain power over another person. Norwegian researcher Dan Olweus says bullying occurs when a person is: ‘exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons’. He says negative actions occur ‘when a person intentionally inflicts injury or discomfort upon another person, through physical contact, through words or in other ways.(Olweus:1999) The Fifth Volume of the Newgate Calendar contains at least one example where Eton Scholars George Alexander Wood and Alexander Wellesley Leith were charged, at Aylesbury Assizes, with killing and slaying the Hon. F. Ashley Cooper on February 28, 1825 in an incident which might today be described as â€Å"lethal hazing†.(Wood, et al: 1825) Virginia Woolf considered fascism to be a form of bullying, and wrote of Hitler and the Nazis in 1934 as â€Å"these brutal bullies†.(Woolf:1934) The first National Bullying Prevention Week was conceived of in Canada in 2000 by Canadian educator and anti-bullying activist Bill Belsey.(Belsey:2000) There was a effect of bullying like suicide and There was a evidence that bullying increases the risk of suicide. It is estimated that between 15 and 25 children commit suicide every year in the UK alone, because they are being bullied. There are different context of bullying one f this is the very popular cyber-bullying. Cyber-bullying is any bullying done through the use of technology. We also have a Disability Bullying, Gay Bullying, Military Bullying, Prison Bullying, School Bullying, Sexual Bullying, and Work Place Bullying.

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